If there’s one thing we know, it’s pizza. We understand better than anyone that high-quality ingredients make all the difference when it comes to a premium pie. Only the best ingredients go into each handcrafted Crustology® pizza crust so your family can eat clean without sacrificing taste. The six ingredients you see below make up the foundation of every Crustology® crust—the perfect base for every pizza.

Keeping it in the Midwest, our wheat flour comes from none other than Minnesota. We use unbleached wheat flour—a baked good staple and an essential ingredient in our clean pizza crusts.

Panko bread crumbs are what help give Crustology® crusts the crunch we all know and love. We push these plain bread crumbs, which come from Illinois, into the crust and spray it all with oil to make the crust extra crispy.

Working in tandem with the bread crumbs is our soybean oil, also made close by in Illinois. Rich in heart-healthy fats and perfect for baking, soybean oil is used to help lock in the crispiness of the bread crumbs and the crust itself.

*Well, technically, it’s dextrose
At Crustology®, we use dextrose, a simple sugar (or partial molecule of sugar) derived from corn. This type of sweetener is often used in the fitness industry as a healthier alternative to table sugar.

Life is all about balance—and so is pizza crust. That’s why you’ll find both a little bit of sweet and a little bit of salt in our crust recipes. We get our salt from the East Coast—New York, to be specific.

In our book, there’s no better yeast than Lesaffre. Around for nearly 170 years, this French yeast manufacturer is the world’s largest, with locations all over the world, including Milwaukee, Wisconsin!